

We’re renewing the IHOBE Ground Quality Evaluation System

Imagen del Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad del Suelo

Throughout 2023, we’ve begun a project to renew the Ground Quality Evaluation System (ISC) at IHOBE — the Public Corporation for Environmental Management in the Basque Government.

The ISC is an integrated system that stores and organizes the information about the inventory and administrative procedures linked to the parcels, providing essential support to the Ground Quality Administrative Registry.

By focusing on an exhaustive analysis of requirements and features, we have set out to design a new information system that optimizes usability for all users, guaranteeing efficiency, agility, and maximum data quality.  This new system will be characterized by completely electronic management, automated integration with several IHOBE systems and the Vice Council for the Environment, and an intuitive interface, developed under the user experience (UX) methodology.