Microsoft Partner Network

Microsoft Partner Network

“Bilbomática is a Microsoft Gold Partner, meaning it has a direct endorsement from the company Redmond, which awards this accolade for excellence, commitment, ability and experience in its products, technologies and services, declaring the recipient to be a company dedicated to developing its platform to meet the needs of both the manufacturer and its customers. 

In addition, this alliance reinforces the union between both companies in their aim to achieve their commercial objectives both in Spain and the European Union, across all areas of software development, tools for Business Intelligence and Big Data, as well as Collaborative Portals and Sites and Cloud Services.

Bilbomática currently holds the highest levels of accreditation in the following fields: Application Integration, Data Centre, Application Development, Collaboration and Content, Data Analytics and Data Platform.

Being one of the select group of Gold Partners in Spain means that Bilbomática is a key business of reference for Microsoft, making us the perfect partner for any company looking to integrate technological business management solutions in key sectors of industry, such as:

·         Social well-being

·         E-Administration

·         Tourism

·         Health

·         Environment

·         Innovation

·         Education

·         European Union

·         Interoperability and System Integration

·         Online Presence

·         Solutions for SMEs and Commercial Areas

·         Utilities


In addition, Bilbomática reinforces its collaboration with Microsoft even further through its participation as an International Association of Microsoft Channel Partner (IAMCP). 


IAMCP Spain comes under the umbrella of the global network, the International Association of Microsoft Channel Partners (IAMCP), an independent organisation which unites a large number of Microsoft Partners.

We are also members of the network of associations IAMCP EMEA, which encompasses the branches in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Since it was established in October 2008, as a result of an initiative by various companies in the IT sector in Spain, it has conducted a large number of activities to improve the day-to-day work of its associates. Meetings with Spanish MEPs to translate the reality of the IT sector and its most immediate needs into legislation, strengthening relations and collaboration with Microsoft by creating committees and running events with company managers, or requesting government subsidies for training programmes - these are just some of the highlights of the group's work. 

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