Web Portals

We are the technology partner than can guide you in creating your web portal.

We are specialists in developing web portals, integrating user experience, mobility and security. Our success stories represent us best.

Portales Web

We have built up more than 15 years of experience in Web Portals and all disciplines relating to them:

  • Design, user-friendliness and user experience,
  • Architecture of information,
  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and positioning,
  • Specialised testing of user-friendliness and security.
  • Mobility and responsiveness.

We have the knowledge and expertise to create websites, ensuring that the required legal standards are met (ENI, ENS, Web Accessibility etc.) using the most common platforms on the market or reusing the Public Authority’s own solutions (Acceda, PLATEA)

For the private sector, our e-commerce portal solutions provide all of the tools required to showcase a catalogue of your company’s products and services, allowing you to offer your business online within a minimum period of time and with the highest security standards.

Our main objective is to provide you with a tailor-made solution which is best suited to your requirements. To do this, we can work with the most suitable technology platform for your particular business, using both open-source software solutions (Magnolia, Drupal, Liferay) or proprietary software (Opentext, SharePoint). 

  • Logo Gobierno Vasco
  • Gobierno de España
  • Arteche
  • Logo EU-OSHA
  • Ayuntamiento de Ribadesella
  • Ministerio de educación, cultura y deporte
  • Logo Cedefop
  • Logo Eurofound
  • Logo Publications Office
  • Logo Asociación de Comerciantes del Casco Viejo de Bilbao
  • Logo Asociación de Comerciantes del Centro Histórico de Burgos
  • Logo Asociación Turística Villas Marineras
  • Logo Itxaslehor
  • CEDER Merindades