JAVA Software Factory

Knowledge of business and technology to digitally transform your Java information systems.

Our Technical Java Division provides a cross-disciplinary response to projects which require a high level of experience and knowledge in J2EE environments.

Proyectos JAVA

Our technical Java experts have formed a cross-disciplinary Technical Division which is constantly evolving technologically and which applies continuous improvement practices to our quality methodologies (ISO 9001 and CMMI).

The testing and quality control practices for deliverables are applied by certified technicians using approved methodologies (ISTQB). Finally, we apply the principles of Integration and Continuous Delivery, adapting the life cycle to your requirements and work environment.

These practices have the following benefits for you:

  • Independent project management which looks after and responds to different projects.
  • A large professional team with considerable experience and certifications relating to JAVA.
  • The possibility of reusing a lot of code, which results in shorter timelines and limits the cost of the final delivered product.

>The main functions of our Technical Java Division are as follows:

  • Support, train and assist the various project teams.
  • Design and innovate the architecture of our projects.
  • Prescribe the best products on the market to our clients in different areas (ECM, CMS or BPM).

As well has having expertise in Java technology, our Technical Division also provides knowledge and integration with Java-based products such as: Alfresco as Enterprise Content Management, Magnolia as a Content Management System; Liferay as a Content Management System or Activity as Business Process Management, among others.

  • Logo Gobierno Vasco
  • Ministerio de hacienda y funciones publicas
  • EPO - European Patent Office
  • Logo Eurojust
  • Logo EFCA
  • EJIE - Servicio Informático del Gobierno Vasco
  • Ministerio de empleo y seguridad social
  • Ministerio de sanidad y servicios sociales e igualdad
  • Logo Servicio Vasco de Empleo - Lanbide
  • Oficina Española de patentes y marcas